Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Marching in a Victory Processional

I just wanted to share what I read from the Bible today and give a quick thought.

"You ascended on high,
leading a host of captives in your train
and receiving gifts from among men,
even among the rebellious, that the
LORD God may dwell there."

"Blessed be the Lord,
who daily bears us up;
God is our salvation.
Our God is a God of salvation,
and to GOD, the Lord, belong
deliverances from death."

(from Psalm 68:18-20)

As I reflected it struck me that Jesus is described as leading a host of captives in a truimphant procession. The imagery is that of a great warrior king being welcomed home after bringing a decisive victory over the enemy and we are described as a host of captives. We had no part of our deliverance. We are captives. I was bound and enslaved in sin, but Christ triumphed over death and sin and gives me new life. That's amazing!

Biblical Christianity is not just some religion out there. Christianity is about being freed and having a relationship with the Deliverer and King. It is about love: Jesus steadfast love that is never ending. Here is the reality of my life: I was a rebellious sinner against God, I didn't love God but had a self-centred heart that dishonoured and spit at God; but Jesus lives the perfect life that I can never life; Jesus dies for my sins of yesturday, today, and tomorrow; he is raised to life; he rescues me, forgives me, and offers me new life; patiently he helps me stop sinning and live the life I should be living, he gives me a new heart that loves God; and he pours out his love and grace for all time. That's a true demonstration of Love.

I invite and encourage you to trust in Jesus Christ for freedom of your sin and lean on him day by day for fresh living water. Jesus' grace and mercy are new every day, he "bears us up." He is our salvation; not money, or people, or science, God is our salvation and to him belong deliverances from death. It is only fitting that you and I should praise, adore and love him more and more each day.

- Paul


20Birds said...

whoa! Stephanie, this witness this proclamation reminds me of the watchman on the tower in ezekiel... you said what neeeded to be said... I am reminded of how often i shook my fist at God in my actions and my thoughts... and still he chooses me... everyday brand new he chooses me... thanks Sister for this fresh word this morning

20Birds said...

sorry gave Steph the credit when you were the spiritual giant thanks Bro for the kick in the pants that day and once more now when i re-read