Monday, October 6, 2008


Today was a good day. Over the last couple weeks Steph and I have been blessed to serve alongside Sky & Angie, two missionaries to the Native people group of Thunder Bay. They run "An Eagle's Cry Life Centre," building relationships and spreading the hope of Jesus with anyone who pops by. Check out their website: They are extremely encouraging. I had the priviledge to sit down with Sky and hear more about his vision for ministry that flows directly out of his testimony: how Jesus' captivated his life, freed him from bondage and laid his healing power upon his soul.

At "Eagle's Cry" we had an amazing time. I think the two greatest moments for me were: seeing some 40+ people (some God haters and others Jesus followers) stand in a circle, holding hands and giving thanks for the special spagetti lunch that was offered today. The 2nd amazing moment was with William, a 70 year old homeless man suffering from arthritis. William currently lives at "The Shelter House" and shared with me part of his life story. I thoroughly enjoyed talking with him, building a friendship, and I look foward to seeing him tomorrow. Please pray he will be open the hearing the gospel as our friendship builds.

Today was also a good day because we have continued to labour for Jesus and spend time with our church's Outreach team planning and praying. It was a pleasure to see Ellie joining the team and embracing her passion to outreach to the lost in our community! Afterwards, we went to encourage Jon & Kathleen (aka The Cedars of Lebanon) as they played a set in a local coffee house. To hear more of the Cedars fo Lebanon check out:

So Steph and I got back home around 10:00. We've been out since breakfast, and now we're feel spent. I'm drinking some tea to help fight this weird cold I've got and I am just finishing some posters for an outreach dinner event that runs on the 2nd Saturday of every month. (We're trying to do something unique for Thanksgiving and we hope it will turn out well.) Well I gotta run because I have to cut the posters and go to bed. But I have just one last thing to share:

Today is a good day... because Jesus reigns today.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The familiar faces at the Desiring God conference


We spoke to you about our experience at the Desiring God conference last week end but had no pictures posted. I must say these pictures only give you a snapshot of what our weekend was like. Unfortunately, we have no pictures of the speakers, the crowd, and our hotel room but we do have pictures of memorable moments with our friends with whom we shared this experience. I don't know if any of you ever had an adventure where you look back and said: "It would not have been the same without these people." Well, this week-end was definitely like one of those adventure; and what an adventure it was! Paul and I carpooled down to Minneapolis, a 6 hour drive across the border, with Jeff and Rich. Great conversations, great laughs, great snacks! What a great time!

Once we arrived in Minneapolis we met up with Poul-Erik and Trudi and Mackenzie-Skye. There were also another group from our church there whom we met up with at the conference. Unfortunately, we do not have pictures with them. There was Debbie, Laurie & Rob, their kids, Josh( who flew from Vancouver with some of his friends) and Sarah. We also saw Rosemary and Marvin. Imagine saving seats for about 15 people when 3485 others are looking for good seats as well! There were a few others from other churches in T-Bay who came to enjoy the fellowship and teaching time! It is so great to share this time together worshiping our Lord and Saviour, surrounded by countless others who share the same passion. What a rich experience!

One of the things that was so amazing was when we saw a familiar face in the crowd! Paul and I were talking with some friends when we saw Ed. Ed is a man who played in the Messengers group. The communication group whom Paul and I followed to Toronto in March 2007 and who introduced us to World Team, the mission organization we are with now. Yes! It was fantastic to see him and to hear about his adventures since March 2007! He has not changed one bit! Ed, it was a joy to share supper with you!

Meet Ed! Ed was volunteer for the DG conference.

We first met Ed when he came to Thunder Bay with the Messengers for a presentation.

Paul and P-E at the DG conference

Father-daughter time at the hotel in Minne. What a great pic mom!

Jeff and Mackenzie at the restaurant

Why do you get to eat and I just sit here and watch?

At the conference, Paul and Mackenzie bonded some more. It was truly priceless to see Paul with her, entertaining her. What a break it gave to Trudi!

What is that on your face?

Ha! Tricked ya! Got your nose!

...Where can I get a hat like this one?...

Howdy pretty lady!

This is our group who hung out the most together. from left to right: Trudi, Rich, Jeff, Paul, Steph and in the middle, P-E.

This picture was taken in the bookstore area. It was such a great experience and thanks to Trudi, we have great memories from that weekend. I must say, I am still wondering what was the better part of the weekend for Paul, the conference or his new found buddy, Kenzie!

With much love, we bid you goodbye...for now.

Friday, October 3, 2008

So Thankful!

Boujour a tous! (Hello all)

I am blessed by a mother that looooves me, a husband that adores me and friends that bless me every single day. This is how I see God providing for me all the time! I had coffee with my friend Beth yesterday and I was blessed my socks off, as she would say! We laughed and cried and shared and it was all around beautiful to meet a new sister. It is so wonderful to meet someone, once every so often, who will touch your heart in this way! Beth you are precious and you empower people around you. Don't ever lose your passion for life! Beth is a woman with much wisdom. She does not hold back, she makes sure that what she says will edify and build. Beth is a mother to many and is viewed as a spiritual guru for many moms and moms-wanna-be! What a fierce woman and yet with a gentle spirit she moves your heart to love Jesus more every single day. Thank you Beth for that precious time with me.

Now speaking of heart, I was able to share with you about my surgery on september 20th but not how we celebrated our 2nd year! So here are some pictures to show you and no...She is not my baby girl! Although I would love to have Mackenzie-Skye as a daughter! ;) So P-E, Trudi and Mackenzie-Skye came for a visit for the afternoon\evening. It was so great to have them and you can only imagine who was the biggest entertainment! We didn't do a movie marathon this time but soon maybe we'll do one! he he! Those are the best.

Mackenzie Skye lying down on our living room floor. What a cutie-pie!

Jordie paid a visit while she was in a deep sleep...too bad he was no prince charming!

Well it wasn't much longer before Paul would befriend her! What a pair they make!

You can see who was the biggest entertainment now!

What a beautiful girl! Mackenzie-Skye you will break hearts!

As for mom and dad you will have to wait until tomorrow for their picture! P-E and Trud's, thank you so much for celebrating such a significant part of our year with us! You ahve been such a blessing to Paul and I. Continue to live the Joy of the Lord! This will without a doubt have a print on Kenzie's life!

You see this is what I mean, blessed all around! I hope you feel just as blessed as we do!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What are friends for?

Last night we had our ladies Bible studies Kick off night! It was a blast! Not only did we do a fashion show but we all had the opportunity to listen to Heather talk on our wild hearts and how we have a perfectly tended pasture offered to us, but like mustangs we all ere towards the wilderness where we don't have to answer to anybody, yet again, we have no one to take care of us either. Well, If you know me, you would know this talk spoke to me. First, because I am like a mustang, wild at heart, adventurous, making my life difficult by doing everything on my own and always looking for the long way home. Second, because I LOVE horses!
Last night touched my heart because she reminded me that I don't have to face the storms of life on my own, and that crying out to Jesus for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Letting go of what I know best, myself and clinging to Him.

You see if you knew Heather that would have touched you too because, like me she is wild at heart but loves Jesus. She went through storms and not without struggles but came out victorious! Heather is very dear to me. She needed hip surgery this year and is now enjoying her new hip. But not without hardship! But she hung on to her Savior and let go of herself, knowing her own weakness. She used to horseback ride and ADORES it! Yet she had to go 4 yrs without ridding because of her hips. Yes! I did say HIPS! She is on the waiting list for her next hip replacement.
I want to head to what many have said before her and cling to my Savior, "to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us..."
Have a beautiful day!