Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day!

Dear friends!

Today I pondered much on being a father meant. It's not like I am one or ever will be :)!
But having lost mine 15 years ago to cancer, I wondered what it would be like having him around in my life in this stage of my life.

The Lord comforted me and reminded me that He is my father and is a Father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5). If I take the Lord as THE example of what a Father is, here is what it would look like: a Protector, a Provider, a Servant, One who loves and cares about all of our joys, sorrows, worries and exciting events in His children lives. He wants to be part of all of our lives and see us through it all!

With that in mind I thought lots about my dad. he loved us and provided and protected but he was special because My heavenly father had lend him to me for a time to shape me in the woman I am today. While he reflected my heavenly father's love for me, he also teased me and enjoyed every stage of my life (well not all I'm sure) with me. He enjoyed skiing and playing backgammon with me and He loved hockey and also his Football! He encouraged me when I went to Europe in 1995, and celebrated with me when I graduated high school. I remember throwing ball with him on our lawn as a child, and I remember when he would come home from work and ask about our days. He was always interested in our lives. However, the one thing that I hold dear is something not every daughter gets to share with her father and that is our birthday! Yes I was born on his b-day!

I loved my father and keep him close to my heart to this day. Even if sometimes I wonder why he was taken from me, I am reminded that my heavenly father is Good and knows the number of our days. 'He gives and takes away, he gives and takes away, but my heart will chose to say blessed be His name...Blessed be the name of the Lord! (song we sang today at church).

I love you dad!


Friday, June 18, 2010

Prayers for a friend

Dear friends!

I feel compelled to write today as I ponder on a friend of mine, who is having heart surgery this morning in London, ON.

Not so long ago, say September 20th 2006, I was in her situation awaiting to be taken down to the surgical floor. While I was sitting in my hospital bed in Montreal, praying that God would find favor in me and heal me, a friend in Thunder Bay organized a prayer vigil for me and many gathered praying for me. That day a huge peace came over me and my husband Paul. I am a living testimony that prayer works!

Coming back to my friend, she has had several surgeries over the years but not on her heart. I can appreciate and fully understand if you find the wait overbearing and nerve wracking. I can relate with you. Keep your eyes unto the Lord because He delights in his children.

The first piece of scripture I thought of as I was praying for you this morning was "The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not be in want. (That means you already have everything in Him) He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul." When we give our lives up to the Lord he can restore it and us and he takes great pleasure in showing his Beauty and Love through us! You are blessed my friend to have a savior as sweet and as powerful as Jesus. You have the Lion and the Lamb on your side!

As for her family who awaits by her side, these scriptures apply to you as well. Remember that her life is in the best hands and that Jesus is the Great physician today. He is in control and nothing escapes him. Find peace in His love where I know your family's foundation lies.

I love you all, Paul and I are praying for you and Let the Lord of the Universe comfort you this day!

In Christ we are more than conquerors!