Good morning!
I have been reading a book called "The Heart of the Cross" by James Montgomery Boice and Philip Graham Ryken. That is where I am getting my inspiration from this week. I strongly recommend it to anyone who desires the Cross to be the Center of their lives. By this I don't mean that we go to the Cross and wait and not live the life that God has given us, but to satiate our thirst for knowing our Lord and Savior(If that is even possible)!
This weekend, I was reading about the plagues in the time of Moses and how God was showing His Beauty and power through Moses. It struck me when there came the plagues of the frogs that once The Lord stopped the frogs from invading houses and lands that He kept His promise and all of the frogs fell to the ground and died. 3 things struck me, 1- God does not need us to show his Greatness in all the land, which means that 2-God gave us the gift of life so that we could enjoy fellowship with him and taste of His Mercy and Love, and 3- That God can take my life away just like those frogs. It made me realize just how fragile life is, yet if I keep my eyes on Jesus, My life is secure! God gives life, and God takes it away.
When we look at Luke's passage of the crucifixion, we see that there are 2 thieves hung on each sides of Jesus. Both of them ask for salvation. The unrepentant thief mocks Jesus like the crowd below and is only thinking about himself and how he wants to live the here and now: "Aren't you the Christ? Save yourself and us!" He does not see passed the present. He is talking of a physical salvation and he asks with his lips.
The second thief realizes that he got what he deserves and rebukes the other Thief: "Don't you fear God since we are under the same sentence? We are punished Justly but, for we are getting what are deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. And then he said 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." This passage is powerful for 2 reasons: 1- The repentant Thief admits that he is a sinner and also admits that Jesus is God and 2- He sets his mind on the future and asks Jesus to remember him in the life to come. He came to Jesus with His whole heart and met him at the cross. He did not want to be saved from this life, He wanted to be saved from all of his sin and believed in the unseen, Christ's Kingdom.
This passage reflects what we should do when we go to the cross. In this passage, the thief pays for his sins but we don't have to pay for ours. We don't have to hang on a cross or be judged for our imperfections in this world because Jesus payed the price for them on the Cross!
I challenge you all to take a moment and think of your life and bring it all before the Cross and surrender it all to Him; your treasures, your worries and most of all your hopes and dreams. It is so much more secure in His hands than in your own!
Let's meet together at the cross and share our burdens with our Savior!
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