I’m sitting in Toronto Pearson Airport waiting for our flight to board. We just finished breakfast consisting of overpriced fruit and a croissant, recapping all the events that transpired this weekend. This whole weekend seems a blur. Let’s see… driving back and forth between World Team’s office and the Richards' house; having dinner with the Board of Directors; putting together WT information packages; attending WT’s annual dinner and making a ministry presentation; meeting different missionaries from around the globe; going to Bradford to meet with Bill and Michele Allan to discuss our future development with World Team, and fitting time to meet with friends and share with them our future ministry with World Team.
It all started on Friday morning in Thunder Bay. It seems that every time we travel we always seem to go to bed late. We set our alarm clock for 5:00AM, giving us more than enough time to wakeup and catch our 6:30 flight to Toronto. Even with the sleep I got that night I felt surprisingly rested until I realized that I was awaken by Steph’s exclamation: “It’s 7:20! We missed our flight!”
So after a moment of sheer frustration and double checking our clock we determined that this was NOT mere human error, but spiritual warfare. Our alarm was set correctly, there was no power outage, and we couldn’t sleep through it because it was set to the radio. When we called Air Canada to our surprise all their computer systems were down. Was it really this possible that Satan didn’t want us meeting the Board of Directors of World Team.
We made our way to the airport and discovered that even with the national delay of air travel, we still missed our plane by about 20 minutes. At this point all we could do was laugh. And to God’s grace, we were switched to an afternoon flight at no charge… because all the computers were down. God was reminding us that this was not the unravelling of his plan, but its unfolding.
After passing security it also became evident that we needed to be in the terminal at that time. We met our friend Sarah’s uncle while in that airort. I haven’t seen him for nearly a year, and he filled us in with his family and the story of his daughter’s battle with cancer. God’s timing humbled us completely, and allowed us to try to provide encouragement through our testimony and our pastor’s struggle with cancer. We were also convicted to bring this prayer request back to Fort William Baptist Church after our weekend.
Shortly after, I got on a 10:00 fight while on standby. Stephanie opted to stay until the afternoon flight. Unbeknownst to me, Stephanie got on a flight 30 minutes later and we would quickly be in Toronto. It was only in Toronto that I would hear of God’s amazing grace yet again from Stephanie. When Steph arrived, she shared how she and another passenger received seats through standby. From what we were told this is quite unique for Air Canada to have 2 people sitting on standby to get flights on a fully booked plane. This was no coincidence. This man was returning to Kingston from a business trip, and as Stephanie and he started talking, the Holy Spirit paved the way for Steph to share her faith and the gospel with him. Yet again, God’s purpose prevails and another seed was possibly planted for the Kingdom and we were rejoicing that our little inconvenience could lead to experiencing God in new and wonderful ways.
- Paul